Thursday 20 October 2011

Being Woman! Still Shameful.

This is my own analysis to present the story of most houses where violence is just a passing phenomenon. A woman’s life is about being born into a patriarchal society dominated by culture and ethics, growing up pleasing her parents and then getting married and bringing up her children to please her husband and her in-laws. Where growing up means compromising one’s own dreams to that of her parents’ and societies’ so-called manners, marriage is about adjusting. However not every women face such a life but most of them do.
The Status of women in India has been considerably better than before.Today women have adorned high offices including the persident, Speaker of loksabha, leader of opposition etc. But lots(larger one) are still best for nothing.
Lot of people doesn't agree me ok i will tell you a story a real one but without naming the individuals. She was born in some small town she was very bright student in her earlier school life and in college but after completing her bachelor's degree she was married. She trusted her parents and their decisions to marry the man of their choice. As the Girl with such an immense talent and innovations she felt that she would get job but the illogical terms put to her made her house wife. Her family(Father in law and Mother in law along with her sister in laws) abused her emotionally for every failure be it about a small water leak in the kitchen or unable to pay the electricity bill. And later that changes into physical harassment. That makes that talented Girl into one of the abusive and irritated person around and that affects her children also. 
This is not the story of a single Girl if you take round of your town you see number of these cases. I strongly believe women have no respect for women more than men. However not all; generalizing would not be right. There are women who treat their fellow sex in such a rowdy way, those men who witness such feels disgusted and sick and in my opinion they are the biggest idiots or the rowdy ass.
One should know if you want your development firstly start respecting and developing the women in your house, it doesn't limits to your house that helps in development of your country also.
Be it domestic or foreign, violence and abuses against women should be put to end . Even society treats women in a stereotyped way as if women were born to face such atrocities. If any women have any such problem in their life it is because of her own fault.
While writing all this i understood women who face such situations and harassment to itself have their own reasons but she itself is to blame for this. The people crowded around should think that they also are the humans and they also get into such situations.The future should learn from the mistakes and wrong doings of today to make sure they don’t the same life like their past.
This post is not only for the violence against women but also for those who witness such wrong doings. Gandhiji said " Those who face and see the violence as a mock predators are also culprit in same amount as to those who do this." So one should learn to make sure their future isn’t as regretting as they have witnessed.
Because ones Future entirely depends on their action and decision they takes.  

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