Wednesday 19 December 2012

I am Ashamed Indian

                      I am Ashamed Indian

I know this article might sound offensive to a huge number of you, but I don’t care. When I heared about the latest Delhi gang rape, I felt outraged and humiliated. Everywhere right from the news to social networking everyone is accusing Delhi government and police, lets take it straight our legal system is so delayed and derailed that by the time these rapist are punished the crime is long forgotten & the victim remains a victim lifelong . But is it actually government fault?? Just think!! I am sorry to say that I am ashamed Indian.  We are the civilization which challenges themselves to be the most socialized civilization among the world. We are the civilization who prays Goddesses  wants Laxmi to give us money, Saraswati to give us Knowledge, Durga to protect us…. , But how we are treating the real Laxmi, Saraswti and Durga of society.We are so mentally drained that we are treating them as article of pleasure. Is that pleasure so important that for our few minutes pleasure we are playing with their life??Are we dogs? I think dogs are better than us, they don’t harsh their counter part like this. After current shameful incident dogs are thanking God “Thank God we are Dogs”.

There are some arguments that why women used to travel at night they are not disciplined enough that’s why they have to suffer. I mean this is the most idiotic argument ever have been put. Let us suppose for one minute that this argument stands in this case then what about the other cases which occurs in daylight, now where does this argument stands??? What is this country that I live in? With no equality and quality of life differs from men to women?? Some of the arguments also says, one of the minister of country argumented that women should look up to what they wear. I mean who are you to tell what to wear or what not to?? Which argument will stands for that 6 year old who had been raped, she even don’t know what are the different clothes she should wear. Problem is very basic with increase in technology our mindset is degrading and narrowing day by day, we are treating women as a sex object. How can ones few minutes pleasure end life of others. Some of us might say that I am not like that I never had teased or outraged any girl but everyone of us(almost 95%) must be in the situation where a women have been misbehaved and we are treating such shameful act as fun or ignore that, we should remember one thing if she is someone's Daughter/Sister/Wife today, tomorrow might be ours turn. And I am sorry to say that I am ashamed Indian for that. It is said that education began at home, now it is high time where we should teach our male child to respect the dignity of women. If we still don’t give the proper attention on this then the time is nearer when our so called civilized and great society will fail and males of the society will be treated as bunch of rapists.

At the end I am really hopeful that we will take an oath to respect and to protect our females. My heart bleeds for that young lady and for every victim. They would be very happy if the world ends on 21-12-2012 because “Rape is only crime where victim has to suffer longer than the accused”.